jb… a weblog by Jonathan Buys

Go2 and Paragraphs Are Now Open Source

I see no reason to keep the code for Go2 and Paragraphs to myself. I have no plans to continue developing them, have received no requests for support, and have seen very, very, few sales over the past few months. So, as of now, both Go2 and Paragraphs are released as open source, under the MIT license, available on GitHub.

November 1, 2013 - 1 minute read - farmdog indie opensource

A Daring Adventure

or, A Good Life

September 1, 2013 - 7 minute read - life indie farmdog

Farmdog Closed

Update: July 30, 2013 - Farmdog is not closed, but I am rethinking everything. Paragraphs will continue to be supported for the foreseeable future.

June 6, 2013 - 1 minute read - farmdog indie life

Where We Stand

In the online help for Paragraphs, I have a rather odd statement:

June 4, 2013 - 5 minute read - life farmdog indie


Alt Text

March 28, 2013 - 3 minute read - farmdog indie paragraphs

Scout Beta 2

So, quite a bit has changed in the past week or so. I got a lot of great feedback from a few beta testers, and stomped out a few bugs. A bigger deal though came from a couple of people who noted that they got confused in some of the views on how they were meant to proceed. Confusing the customer is absolutely the last thing I want to do with Scout, so I took off my developer hat and put on my HCI hat and tore Scout apart.

March 20, 2013 - 3 minute read - farmdog indie paragraphs

Updates on Farmdog, Scout, and Go2

Last week I sent in the certificate of organization to recreate Farmdog as an LLC in the state of Iowa. I have the domain name, twitter account, and a test site built. Assuming everything goes through with the state without problem, Farmdog Co. will be ready to launch very soon.

March 17, 2013 - 3 minute read - farmdog paragraphs indie go2

More Scout Tips

Eventually I’m going to need to compile this into a proper help doc, but for now, documenting Scout with Scout will do.

March 13, 2013 - 3 minute read - farmdog paragraphs indie

Beta Testing Scout

Well, as much as I’d love to procrastinate for the rest of eternity, the time has come for Scout to take it’s first baby steps out of it’s private testing ground and out to a few interested folks who would be brave enough to beta test.

March 12, 2013 - 2 minute read - farmdog paragraphs indie

Misunderstanding NSString

So, while I was debugging the first post using Scout, I found an oddity in NSString. I was building the links between the posts using stringByAppendingPathComponent, to join the site’s base URL with the path component of the individual post. Unfortunately, that method seems to be stripping one of the forward slashes off of the http:// string, which screws up building links.

January 19, 2013 - 2 minute read - farmdog cocoa

Scout and FTP

Building a desktop application that manages creating your site is great, but only publishing to a local folder is for the birds. After only a few posts using Scout, I can say that the process of publishing to a folder, switching to Terminal, and running rsync will not fly for any potential customers I may have. It’s a pain.

January 19, 2013 - 3 minute read - farmdog paragraphs indie

Footnotes and Other Scripts

I’d like a really simple way to insert footnotes in the text. However, I’m not sure how much of that I can do with the Markdown parser that I have now, which means inserting ugly HTML, which I’d really rather not have. I could do something in the generation of the site, inserting my own marker in the text and parsing through that later, but that seems like reinventing the wheel. Surely there are better ways to go about this.

January 16, 2013 - 2 minute read - farmdog paragraphs indie

ArcDown - My First Open Source Project

Part of a Farmdog project I’m working on needs nice syntax highlighting for markdown. After searching around for a bit I found Ali Rantakari’s PEG Markdown Highlight project, and knew that it would be a perfect fit. Unfortunately, the code was not written for ARC, or Automatic Reference Counting, and my project was. Rantakari’s code worked fantastic outside of ARC, but inside it needed a few days worth of love and attention.

September 19, 2012 - 1 minute read - opensource farmdog indie

Go2 1.3 Release Notes

September 29, 2011 - 4 minute read - farmdog go2 indie

The Experiment

The Experiment

July 9, 2011 - 6 minute read - farmdog indie personal

Quicksilver and Go2

Go2 1.2 is in review, and when it is released it will bring a new feature that I’m hoping will speed up access to bookmarks considerably: Spotlight integration. Spotlight is amazing technology, and one of the biggest advantages OS X has over it’s competition. The Spotlight search and matching algorithms can index millions of files, which makes it a perfect companion for people who have anywhere from hundreds to thousands of bookmarked server connections in Go2. So far, my own menubar indexing gets a bit choked up at around 1500 bookmarks or so. It still works, but no where near as fast as Spotlight.

March 21, 2011 - 2 minute read - farmdog go2 quicksilver

From Zero to the App Store

This past Thursday I was privileged to speak at our local CocoaHeads about my history, and how I was able to bring my app to market. Since someone on Twitter asked for my slides, which don’t amount to much, I thought writing up my experiences would be a little more useful.

January 16, 2011 - 7 minute read - farmdog indie cocoa

Go2 and the Mac App Store

Yesterday, Go2 was one of approximately 1000 applications available on launch day of the Mac App Store. It’s been a nerve wracking experience, but overall I’m pretty happy so far with the way its gone. I’ve been able to identify a couple of last minute bugs and get their fixes incorporated into version 1.1, which I’ve had in beta testing for about a month now.

January 7, 2011 - 3 minute read - farmdog go2 apple

Build Something Better

What would it take to change computers? What would it take to build something truly revolutionary in a time where most of the design philosophy of a computer is taken for granted?

December 19, 2008 - 2 minute read - indie farmdog